Tuesday 30 August 2016

Clinton aide Huma Abedin leaves her husband Anthony Weiner for the sexua...

Hillary Clinton's nearest assistant, Huma Abedin, said
Monday that she proposed to isolate from her better half, Anthony D. Weiner,
the previous congressman and New York City mayoral competitor, after it was
accounted for that Mr. Weiner had traded suggestive pictures and messages with
a lady while the couple's young kid was adjacent to him.

The division was reported after Mr. Weiner's online trades
with ladies had been a wellspring of strain inside Mrs. Clinton's presidential
crusade. Mr. Weiner surrendered from Congress in 2011 after disclosures that he
had sent indecent pictures of himself to ladies on online networking. The
couple's conjugal issues exacerbated after the discharge in May of a narrative
about the embarrassment that immersed Mr. Weiner's battle for leader in 2013. 

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